Bouquets of Women

Bouquets of Women for Susan B. Anthony.jpg
Bouquets of Women1.jpg
Bouquets of Women for Susan B. Anthony.jpg
Bouquets of Women1.jpg

Bouquets of Women


11x14 oil on canvas

The emblematic colors are those associated with patriotism in the United States. As divisiveness grows, and political tumult intensify, I wanted to convey the importance of allowing space for dissent, unconformity, a difference of opinion, and values and beliefs that are both individual and collective. This piece is about joining together with women to advocate for each other, it is about sisterhood and the beautiful interconnectedness of community. It honors the legacy of women who influenced our present, and it seeks to encourage women of today to join together to do the same for our daughters, granddaughters, nieces, and all children in the rising generation.

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